Pibeta Bank Definitions
Online banks
TRIG (trigger event)
Currently only contains the trigger information from the coinc. register. The bit definitions in the 1998 beamtime were:
Trigger | Value |
Pibeta:HI | 1 |
Pibeta:HI' | 2 |
Pibeta:LO:PS | 4 |
Pienu:HI | 8 |
Pienu:HI:PS' | 16 |
Pienu:LO:PS | 32 |
Pienu:LO:PS' (Michel) | 64 |
Prompt:PS | 128 |
If more than one trigger fires for a given event, the values are summed.
FADC (trigger event)
Fastbus encoded (value plus channel number) ADC values for CsI, PV, CV, Target and beam counters.
CATH (trigger event)
Fastbus encoded (value plus channel number) ADC values for MWPC cathode strips. 256 channels (128 upstream, 128 downstream) for chamber 1, 384 channels for chamber 2.
PCOS (trigger event)
PCOS III encoded MWPC wire hits. Variable length depending on the number of hit wires.
LTDC (trigger event)
Fastbus encoded (value, channel, edge) multihit TDC data for CsI, PV, CV, Target and beam counters. Variable length depending on the number of fired channels.
CHMB (chamber event)
Only bank in the chamber event (ID 5). Contains voltage and current in volts and uA for chamber 1 and chambe 2.
SCLR (scaler event)
Differential scalers (zeroed between events) from ECL CAMAC scalers. Scalers have following channel assignment:
Name | Channel |
CsI | 0-239
Plastic Veto | 240-279
Cosmic Veto | 280-299
B0 | 300
B1 | 301
D0 | 302
D1 | 303
D2 | 304
D3 | 305
T0 | 306
T77 | 383
Scalers only:
Clusters | 416-476
Super clusters HI | 480-489
Super clusters LO | 496-505
Triggers | 512
B0 | 544
Degrader | 545
Beam | 546
Target | 547
PiStop | 548
Plastic Veto OR | 549
CsI Lo | 550
CsI Hi | 551
Trigger | 552
Trigger accepted | 553
MHC | 554
100Hz clock | 556
PiStop1 | 561
PiStop1 PS | 562
DPG | 563
DPG' | 564
DPG:HI:PS | 565
DPG':HI:PS | 566
DPG:Lo:PS | 572
DPG':Lo:PS | 573
CADC (calculated from trigger)
Contains calibrated (pedestal and gain corrected) ADC values. Channel assignment is the same as for the SCLR bank.
ZADC (calculated from trigger)
Created in the data compression phase of the offline analysis. Contains all entries from the CADC bank which are above the noise level. The adccalib module automatically checks for the FADC or the ZADC bank and creates in both cases a CADC bank, which can be used in other modules.
THIT (calculated from trigger)
Contains TDC hits derived from the LTDC bank. If several hits are present for a given channel, the leading edge of the first hit is stored.
NHIT (calculated from trigger)
Number of TDC hits in a given channel. Multihit information can be used to supress pileup.
CCAT (calculated from trigger)
Calibrated cathode strip ADC data, similar to CADC for CsI. Is used by mwpc module to calculate MWPC coordinates.
ZCAT (calculated from trigger)
Compressed cathode ADC data, similar to ZADC for CsI.
ASUM (calculated from trigger)
Contains ADC sums for CsI channels. The exact contents is subject to change.
MWPC (calculated from trigger)
MWPC hit information. Currently contains the following:
n_cl_1 | Number of wire clusters hit in chamber 1
n_cl_2 | Same for chamber 2
phi_1 | PHI of first wire cluster in chamber 1
phi_2 | Same for chamber 2
PVET (calculated from trigger)
Contains plastic veto calculated variables. Currently these are:
pvgm[20] | Geometric mean of ADC values at both ends
max_pvgm | Maximum geometric mean for each event
pvmt[20] | Mean time between both ends
S. Ritt, 6 Oct 1998