The most rescent working version of offline analyzers is on dirac. Login as
pibeta if you want to add your new modifications to the analyzer. There are
three analyzers right under directory /home/pibeta, namely, analyzer99
which is for analyzing data from year 1999, analyzer00_1 for data from year 2000 which have 16 channels of DSC, and
analyzer00_2 for data from year 2000 and 2001 which contain full DSC.
These analyzers are based on Emil's analyzers. Others just ADD their own codes if needed. If one has to MODIFY the existing code, make sure he understand the consequences.
the Makefile in each directory has been updated to accomodate some changes.
After modifying the analyzer, please document here what you have done and what for, as well as the impact on other codes. The time one did it and the name who did it are also helpful.***
August 22, 2002
- The latest version of Emil's analyzers have been copied to pibeta
- Histo.c ( all three versions, changed by Weidong, no impact to other codes, line #s slightly differ in different analyzers)
- 24: add #include "quad.h"
- 138: add #include "macro_definition_wl.h", histogram IDs 120000+ has been assigned.
- 156: add #include "/home/pibeta/include/file_defined_wl.h", defining file handlers for tomography and chamber resolutions.
- 161,162: Two lines to print out analyzer infomation, namely, the analyzer version and if N-tuples are booked.
- 1160: histo definitions for tomography and chamber resolutions
- 1236: #include "variables_defined_wl.h", defining variables used in histo.c
- 1266: #include "chamber_resolution_fill.h", fill histograms for determing chamber resolutions.
- 2054: #include "/home/pibeta/include/tomo_in_emil.h", histograms for tomography.
- Track.c (all three versions, changed by Weidong, line #s slightly differ in different analyzers )
- 215: Add a global variable POINT3 p3[N_TRACK] for tomography, no impact as long as no one else has declared a variable called p3
- 343: Add a block to calculate p3, no impact as long as you don't use variables involved. No effects on any other codes outside track.c
- 563: commented out function call raytrace block. There should be only one raytrace call in analyzer. Currently it is called in histo.c
*** What I(WL) did is to put all my codes into .h files and include them in the proper places. Makefile has to been modified accordingly.