The gaussian fit has a sigma of 65.6 +/- 3.8 and a mean of 2097 +/- 5.5
which would indicate a FWHM/peak pos of about 7.4% (+/- 0.4%). An ascii file containing
the data shown is this plot can be found here.
The file was generated bt PAW using the hist/get/contents command and
then the vect/write command. The histogram has 50 bins with limits of
1730 and 2730. You can also get the zebra file here:
temp.rz.gz (~5.7MB). One should note that this
file also contains Michel events cut on a high discriminator threshold
and prescaled by a factor of 30 for sum_all less than 1700.
Here are the cut definitions for the cuts used to get the above peak: