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PIBETA Calorimeter Lineshapes Predicted Using Tomography Results


Scintillation properties of pure CsI crystals to be used in the shower calorimeter being built for precise determination of the decay rate are reported. Seventy-seven individual crystals were scanned with a Cs radioactive source, probed with monoenergetic muon, pion and proton beams and examined in the multiwire drift chamber system specially designed for three-dimensional cosmic muon tomography. Critical elements of the apparatus and reconstruction algorithms enabling measurement of spatial detector optical nonuniformities are described. Results are compared with a Monte Carlo simulation of an ideal detector light response. The deduced optical nonuniformity contributions to the FWHM energy resolution of the PIBETA CsI calorimeter for the 69.8 MeV positrons and the monoenergetic 70.8 MeV photons were 2.7% and 3.7%, respectively. The upper limit of optical nonuniformity correction to the 69.8 MeV positron low-energy tail between 5 and 55 MeV was +0.2%, as opposed to the +0.3% tail contribution for the equivalent-energy photon. Imposing the 5 MeV calorimeter veto cut to discriminate the electromagnetic losses GEANT-evaluated positron and photon lineshape tail fractions were found to be 2.360.05(stat)0.20(sys)% and 4.680.07(stat)0.20(sys)%, respectively.

Table 0.1: Average scintillation properties of hexagonal and pentagonal PIBETA CsI calorimeter shapes PENTAs, HEX--As, HEX--Bs, HEX--Cs and HEX--Ds (59 crystals). The light yields are normalized to the temperature of 18C. All other parameters were measured at the average room temperature of 22C.

Table 0.2: Average scintillation properties of half-hexagonal and trapezial PIBETA CsI calorimeter shapes HEX--D1/2s and VETO--1/2s (15 crystals).

Figure 0.1: The predicted PIBETA calorimeter spectra of monoenergetic 69.8 MeV positrons and 70.8 MeV photons. The 220 ADC values above the 1 MeV TDC threshold were summed. The GEANT simulation assumed the different numbers of photoelectrons/MeV and linear axial light collection nonuniformities extracted from the tomography analysis.

Figure 0.2: The predicted PIBETA calorimeter spectra of monoenergetic 69.8 MeV positrons and 70.8 MeV photons. ADC values for the CsI crystal with the maximum ADC value together with ADC readings of its nearest neighbors were summed. The GEANT simulation assumed the different numbers of photoelectrons/MeV and linear axial light collection nonuniformities measured in the tomography apparatus.

Table 0.3: The predicted energy resolutions and tail contributions for 69.8 MeV , 70.8 MeV 's events in the full PIBETA calorimeter. The light output in photoelectrons/MeV and the linear axial light collection nonuniformities measured for individual CsI crystals were used in the GEANT simulation. The values for the perfect optically homogeneous crystals were also shown.

Figure 0.3: The predicted fractional energy resolution of the PIBETA calorimeter for positrons and photons in the energy range 10--120 MeV. The GEANT-deduced FWHM for the sum of 220 CsI ADCs is shown both for the ideal homogeneous detector as well as for the nonuniform calorimeter.

Figure 0.4: The GEANT-deduced for the sum of nearest-neighbor CsI ADCs is shown both for the ideal homogeneous detector as well as for the nonuniform calorimeter.

Figure 0.5: The nonlinearity of the PIBETA calorimeter energy response for positrons and photons in the energy range 10--120 MeV. The ratio of the incident particle energy to the detected ADC peak position is calculated in GEANT simulation. The results for the ideal homogeneous detector and the nonuniform calorimeter are shown separately.

Figure 0.6: The nonlinearity of the PIBETA calorimeter energy response for positrons and photons in the energy range 10--120 MeV. The ratio of the incident particle energy to the detected peak position of summed nearest-neighbor ADCs is calculated in GEANT simulation.

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Emil Frlez
Wed Jan 8 02:49:17 MET 1997