These histograms show the distribution of the rate effect at 5 kHz for all 3" EMI 9822QKB PMTs currently in-house at UVa and PSI. The SbCs PMTs were measured using the CODA setup at UVa, while the BeCu data were taken at PSI (Mar. 95) using a TDS 744 digital scope and PSI LED drivers. For the CsSb tests two identical green LEDs were used, while for the BeCu data a yellow LED was used for the reference LED and a red LED for the background LED. Otherwise the conditions of the two measurements was the same. The BeCu PMTs with the largest rate shifts ( > 1.10) were returned to UVa (Mar. 96) for retesting with the CODA setup. The remeasurements are shown alongside the original at the bottom of the figure. These PMTs were then returned to EMI for replacement with SbCs.