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7.5.1 Simulation and Background Discussion

All of the steps concerning the cuts were included in the GEANT simulation. A beam of negative pions with 40 MeV kinematical energy was impinging the liquid hydrogen target after degradation. Having a nearly uniform beam profile of about 1 cm diameter, the stopping distribution within the target was obtained to be of Gaussian shape. The values for sigma amounted 0.86 cm, 0.74 cm and 0.92 cm in the x, y, and z direction, respectively. SCX or RC events were initiated from within this stopping distribution. In addition, possible background contributions due to pion interactions with matter were simulated. The main purpose of this simulation was the evaluation of the fit functions and the determination of the acceptance correction factor.

A target-empty run in a previous beam period did not lead to a notable count rate. This was confirmed by simulation. The percentage of beam pions and beam muons, as well, hitting the calorimeter either directly or after scattering amounted to 8.4*10-3 %. After including plastic scintillator hodoscope and timing cut, the contribution of beam particles to the final data sample could be neglected.

Figure 7-12 Overlay of data and simulation. In contrast to the well-matched RC peak, the SCX contribution could not be matched exactly by using the considered sources contributing to the energy resolution. This difference is reflected in the systematical error as described in the sections below. The low energy background that is considered to be caused by bremsstrahlung of positrons or electrons, generated by photon conversion at the target walls, is disappearing thanks to the use of mylar windows in the target vessel. This is proved by the tail of the fit function smoothly following the data (see Figure 7-15).

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