The Motherboard and Carrier Layout
In order to provide a good signal quality it is important to shield
signal wires from fast digital signals. Therfore one has to bring in
additional ground layers. So the carriers and the motherboards are
built in 4 layers. Here you can see the layout and you can download
them as PS-Files.
Click to enlarge or on PS-File for Download!
The DSC Carrier
Top Layer, also available as PS-File.
Inner Layer 1, also available as PS-File.
Inner Layer 2, also available as PS-File.
Bottom Layer, also available as PS-File.
The DSC Motherboard
TOP Layer, also available as PS-File.
Inner Layer 1, also available as PS-File.
Inner Layer 2, also available as PS-File.
Bottom Layer, also available as PS-File.
Additional Information:
H.P. Wirtz, August 9, 2000