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Liquid Hydrogen Target and Beam Counters

The geometric reconstruction of the liquid hydrogen target used in the measurements and Monte Carlo simulation is shown in Fig. 2.6. The target housing encloses a cylindrical volume of liquid hydrogen, of radius 2 cm and height 8 cm. The liquid hydrogen sits in a cylindrically shaped mylar container of wall thickness 150 tex2html_wrap_inline5084m.. The mylar container is surrounded by vacuum, which is enclosed by an aluminum cylindrical housing of inner radius 6.0 cm and wall thickness 1 mm. In the path of the incident beam is a 2 cm thick CHtex2html_wrap_inline5086 degrader and 2.4 cm of tex2html_wrap_inline5088C degrader. This configuration of degraders produces the maximum stopping rate for pions in the liquid hydrogen target.

Figure: Geometric reconstruction of the liquid hydrogen target used in the GEANT simulation of the Panofsky Ratio measurement. The liquid hydrogen is contained in the aluminum cylindrical object in the center. the rectangular objects are a series of carbon degraders which ensure that the 116 MeV/c tex2html_wrap_inline5090 beam stops approximately in the center of the liquid hydrogen.

The beam counter B0 is a thin plastic scintillator, placed immediately before the quadrupole magnet in the tex2html_wrap_inline5028 area. The beam counter B1 is a thin plastic ``pill'' shaped counter, placed between the quadrupole and the liquid hydrogen target. It is attached to the 2.4 cm of tex2html_wrap_inline5088C degrader described in the previous paragraph. Its active area is 1tex2html_wrap_inline50721 cm, with a thickness of 0.2 cm.

Penny Slocum
Fri Apr 2 00:36:38 EST 1999