Leptons participate in the weak interactions via the left-handed doublets:
Suppose and are the relative sizes of the and couplings. EM interactions do not distinguish e from . Similarly, in weak interactions, [Got-84]. By redefining the weak coupling constant, . This is the symmetry of the weak interaction under the exchange . Because the neutrinos are massless, . The inclusion of the third doublet of left-handed leptons
leads to:
In the quark sector, one has the left-handed fermion states
It is not quite correct to extend the lepton universality to the quarks. That will lead to transitions between , and only. However, decays such as occur. Since is made up of u and quarks, there must be a weak current which couples u and , that is . In order to avoid the introduction of a new coupling constant for quarks --- preserve universality --- Cabibbo assumed that the weak interaction rotates quark states. Subsequently, Kobayashi and Maskawa generalized Cabibbo's work to three generations:
In other word, the quark states u, , c, , t, are eigenstates of the weak interaction while the states u, d, c, s, t, b are the mass eigenstates of the flavor-preserving strong interaction. The weakly charged current of the quarks is:
where U is a matrix known as the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) mixing matrix:
where , ; are the Cabibbo angles and is a phase factor. At four-quark level U reduces to a real matrix and the theory can be shown to be CP invariant. However, with the extension to t and b quarks, the mixing matrix contains a phase factor and for that reason the theory violates [Hal-84].
The implication is that for nuclear beta decays involving only vector interactions, one must replace the coupling constant G of equation () by
In the case of a pure leptonic decay (-decay for instance), there is no mixing:
The top row the CKM matrix (equations and ) provides the unitarity test
which must be satisfied if the Standard Model with three generations is