The author would like to present his gratitude to his research advisor, Professor Dinko Pocanic. The writer also expresses gratitude to Professor Ralph Minehart, Professor P. Q. Hung and Professor Elias Towe for their constructive critiques and suggestions toward the completion of this work.
Special thanks to Professor Klaus Ziock for the fabrication of the target and his contribution to the experiments described in this paper, and to Dr Bryan Wright for all his help in the understanding and the assimilation of the softwares used in preparing the present work.
Thanks also to Dr Cole Lee Smith who kindly reviewed parts of this writing. Dr Emil Frlez has introduced the author to some topics related to data analysis, simulation codes and the physics of this project. Their interactions from UVA to PSI via LAMPF have proven valuable.
With Steve Bruch who was writing a thesis at the same time, the author had had fruitful discussions regarding particularly the efficient typesetting of a paper such as this one.
The writer hereby acknowledges the people who participated in the pion beta runs presented in this paper.
Sincères remerciements à Dr Claudia Wigger pour toute son aide durant le séjour de l'auteur en Suisse. En somme, cette aide qui comprenait entre autres la recherche d'un appartement, l'explication des nuances d'une culture étrangère, l'assimilation et surtout la traduction d'une langue moins familière, a rendu l'auteur moins aliéné, et par conséquent, a permis à ce dernier de tenir aussi longtemps qu'il a pu.
Thanks also to Mrs Gerda Pirsch and Mrs Marion Limber for their support since the author's arrival at Charlottesville. Their words of encouragement and the moments shared together especially during Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day --- when a foreign student could find himself alone and lonely --- certainly helped the author's morale throughout his stay at UVA.
The author conveys sincere gratitude to his friend, partner and wife Sarah Shanti Boone dit LonlonNye for her spiritual, emotional and intellectual support during the tough and the good periods: Ata Nyogon nè do apé gandé noo.
To the spiritual allies, the ancestors who walk with the Gods and watch over him, and to the Gods and Goddesses of the Ewe and Mina people, the writer presents his special offering. Thanks in particular to the Goddess Ata Nyogon whose protection and guidance have been felt in a remarkable way.
Finalement, l'auteur aimerait présenter ses sincères remerciements à ses parents, frères, soeurs et amis pour leur soutien, patience et tolérance. L'auteur partage les douleurs infligées à l'homme ordinaire de son pays durant ces dernières années et salue tous ceux qui ont lutté et survécu ces turbulences. Le présent chef-d'uvre est dédié à la mémoire de ceux qui sont tombés durant la lutte pour le changement. Leur courage, effort et sacrifice n'auraient été pour rien car il y eut des concessions et notre pays, que les forces du mal le veuillent ou pas, a pris la direction des jours meilleurs. Par ailleurs, l'auteur a su puiser du courage exemplaire d'un peuple lassé d'être piétiné, tenu à l'écart et exploité sans pitié.