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Chiral Invariance and V-A

The operator is referred to as the chirality operator which transforms as:

With the momentum along the z-axis, the helicity operator becomes:




we have:


It follows that the solutions to the Dirac equation for a massless fermion are eigenstates of . This is not the case for a massive fermion. However, the wavefunction can be written as a linear combination of the right-handed and left-handed components:




Consider a 4-fermion interaction which is assumed to be invariant under the chiral transformation defined above. The interaction amplitude can be written as:


Chiral invariance leads to:


In order for the amplitude to be invariant under a Lorentz transformation, the operator O can be shown to be a linear combination of the following:



It follows that:




Of these five possible operators, only the vector and axial-vector operators V and A anticommute with . Therefore,


From equation (gif), one has a=-b since and anticommutes with . The operator O becomes:


where a is a constant. The amplitude M takes the form:


where the currents and are given below:

This is the modification of the current-current Fermi interaction --- at a point --- to accommodate the axial-vector contribution originally absent in Fermi's theory.

It should be pointed out that theoretically, one could arrive at a form of the weak charged current in which only S, T and P contribute. However, the experimental evidences are in favor of the (V,A) form.

The following conclusions follow from the V-A form of the weakly charged current [Che-79]:

Naturally, one would hope that all weak processes are described the V-A interactions with a universal coupling constant.

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Bernward Krause
Mon Jan 15 14:57:06 MET 1996