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3.2.4 Optical Non-uniformity and Light Yield

Crucial for a precise measurement of the pion beta decay rate is a good separation of twofold Michel coincidences and p b events through their energies. Therefor a good energy resolution and a low tail due to missing energy and thus high light yield and good optical uniformity are required. An electromagnetic shower which develops in average within the first 10 cm of a crystal will deposit variable energy at different depth of the calorimeter material. Any variation of the calorimeter response over the depth will contribute to an over- or underestimated- integrated energy and thus result in a broader peak. The energy resolution s E/E of an electromagnetic calorimeter can be parametrized as


where indicates a squared sum. Here A is the noise term, B the stochastic term and C the constant term. The optical non-uniformity directly contributes to C since it can be interpreted in a similar way as a gain difference in neighbouring crystals. Assuming a conical distribution of the electromagnetic shower with depth r and defining f to represent the opening angle of the shower cone, the integrated shower energy S is

with Nph representing the distribution of photoelectrons/MeV within the calorimeter. Consequently the longitudinal and radial variation due to optical non-uniformity and gain variation s c is

and thus s c/E = Nph/E=constant=C1.

Tapered crystals are likely to have a position dependence in their light output. This started a series of investigation to minimize the influence of the non-uniformity without degradation of the light yield, which will be introduced in the following section. The required uniformity had to be better than 0.3%/cm for the first half of the crystal. (Since the shower mean of 70 MeV positrons or photons lies within the first third of the crystal length, the second half (nearby the read out) is of lesser importance.) Wrapping Material

In addition to intrinsic properties of the crystal and its shape also the surface treatment determines the optical properties of a detector module. Light output and optical uniformity are mainly influenced by the surface treatment and the wrapping material. Since we deal with truncated crystals, light that emerges close to the front face[13] is being focused towards the PMT; this simply is understandable in terms of the reflection law. On the contrary, light generated closer to the rear face partly has to travel nearly two times the crystal length and, therefore, will suffer losses (which for example can be seen in Figure 3-7). This leads to a variation of the light yield as a function of the crystal length that is summarized by the term (optical) non-uniformity.

Figure 3-7 Comparison of common reflecting materials. Each data point represents the evaluated light yield for a registered path of beam pions perpendicularly the CsI crystal. Since the measurement conditions were identical for all wrapping samples, no pathlength correction was applied for the sake of simplicity. (The position of the PMT is on the right hand side.) The diamonds show the response for a Teflon wrapping where also an existing wrapping (open circles) was replaced by a new wrapping of same thickness. The slight degradation is the effect of abrasion that causes a decreasing transparency of the material, i.e. due to pressure. However, it still was superior to the Millipore wrapping (filled squares).

In order to overcome non-uniformity, a number of surface treatments of the front side and additionally a variation of reflecting materials has been investigated. The non-uniformity sufficiently was reduced by placing a black paper onto the front side, which still allows total reflection at this side due to an air gap, but which will absorb all the light leaving the crystal through the front face.

Figure 3-8 Influence of uniformity from treatment of the front side. (In all cases the crystal was wrapped in Teflon foil.) In order to achieve a uniform response, after choosing the optimal wrapping material, sections with enhanced light output have to be reduced. Consequently partial light absorption by sanding or by applying an opaque material can not be avoided. The insertion of a black paper that would still allow total reflection at the crystal surface was superior to sanding and provided an uniform light response within the first 10 cm of the crystal.

Since the reflectivity of the wrapping material is a function of wavelength several standard materials as PTFE[14]-Foil (Teflon), Millipore©, Tyvek© and aluminized Mylar have been tested. The first three materials are diffuse reflectors which mean that they obey the (2nd) Lambert law[15], while aluminized mylar acts as a mirror.

* Teflon, originally developed by DuPont, is an inert PTFE foam. The foaming process gives PTFE a white colour and hence good reflective properties. It is widely available in several thicknesses and sizes. For this test 50 µm thick PTFE-foil was used.

* Millipore Membranes are fabricated for the use in biological and chemical laboratories as filter sheets. They consist of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and are available in different varieties with a standard thickness of 110 µm. Their reflection properties have been investigated for some years [Bir93], but main disadvantage are the high costs.

* Tyvek, from DuPont, has the advantage of low cost at a good reflectivity. However, it is lacking opaqueness and normally has a thickness of 250 µm.

The development process was carried out in two stages. Firstly, two rectangular CsI crystals of the same manufacture as for our specific crystals have been wrapped with the same material at a time to account for systematic imperfections. An UV-sensitive PMT was coupled with an airgap to the crystals. Then the light yield was determined by the response to cosmic muons.

As a result of this test two materials were excluded from further examinations. From experience a diffuse reflector is better suited for a bulky and truncated scintillator [Der82,Bir93]. As expected, the wrapping with aluminized mylar showed the lowest light yield. Due to a low opaqueness and probably a low reflectivity in the UV-region the Tyvek wrapping did not lead to promising results. A treatment of Tyvek with reflecting paint (Kodak White Reflectance Coating 6080), which offers a reflectivity of more than 95% for UV light, could not improve the light yield notably. Also the use of painted Mylar was considered; but it was not applicable for wrapping any more after drying.

In the second step also the non-uniformity of the light output was measured. This was realized at a test set-up at the p [Mu]1 beam line at PSI with 80 MeV protons. A three inch EMI 9822QKB phototube has been coupled to the crystal using an adhesive silicon rubber (DowCorning 6500). The crystal to probe was put in a light tight and temperature controlled box that was located behind two quadratic wire chambers. By this the light yield and the point of incidence were obtained simultaneously. For this evaluation only the portion of light that was collected during the first 100 ns was taken into account.

Different shapes of the CsI crystals have been used for the evaluation of the wrapping material to account for the geometric influence to the light collection. Two kinds of Durapore sheets and different wrapping thicknesses of Teflon have been investigated. After this, some methods to reduce optical non-uniformity have been compared (see Figure 3-8).

Two layers of properly wrapped Teflon-foil provided higher light output than one layer of Millipore, which had a comparable thickness. This was demonstrated for several crystals (one typical example is shown in Figure 3-7). Nevertheless, Bird et al.[Bir93] found Millipore to be superior to Teflon, since he obtained a better energy resolution for CsI(Tl) crystals. Although Millipore (in this study) showed better results for a sample of pure CsI with a large (>50%) contribution of the slow emission component, Teflon seems to have better reflecting properties for UV-light. This is decisive since pure CsI has the main emission component peaking at 310 nm.

As a result two layers of Teflon foil finally suited best the requirements of reflecting properties, optical uniformity and reasonable costs. Also a minimization of inactive material between the crystals was achieved this way. The Teflon layers were surrounded by one layer of aluminized mylar foil that both optically `seals' the crystal and protects the Teflon foil from dirt and damage. Crystal Coating

It is known that CsI is a slightly hygroscopic material and emits wavelength scintillation light with a main component in the near UV at 310 nm. Both led to the idea of using an additional surface treatment. A lacquer that does both, seals the crystal for moisture in air and improves the reflecting properties was required. There already existed some expertise for Teflon AF© which applies a thin transparent water-nonpermeable coating on the CsI surface [Wus96].

In order to provide reproducibility a 2'' PMT (Philips XP2020Q) was permanently coupled to the test-crystal. After gluing the PMT to the crystal the coat was applied by dipping the crystal into the solvent that dried after a few hours. To avoid PMT damage the suggested `baking' of the lacquer was avoided; thus the coating did not stick perfectly onto the surface and could easily be removed for cross-checking. Nevertheless a uniform film of ~10 µm coating on the CsI could be applied that way. The light output of this crystal was measured with different wrapping materials, with and without coating using both cosmic muons and a pion beam. In either case the light output did slightly decrease after applying the coating. This idea of coating therefore was not followed any more until a Ukrainian group came up with a lacquer where a wavelengthshifter (WLS) was added to the coating material. So a set of crystals (one of each type) was chosen to demonstrate the properties of the lacquer. They were investigated in the RASTA apparatus (see ch. for light yield, uniformity and timing before and after painting. In order to obtain the timing resolution the crystal was sitting between two 9.5 mm thick plastic scintillators. The signals from the plastic scintillator were used for the TDC start, which was stopped by the CsI signal. The standard deviation of the timing distribution then determined the timing resolution. Before and after painting the value was between 0.5 and 0.6 ns. So one could conclude that the WLS in the lacquer does not degrade the overall collecting time of light within the crystal. For the studied crystals an increase in light yield up to 30% has been established and, even more important, the uniformity improved considerably.

Uniformity [%/cm]
No. of Photoelectrons

without lacquer
with lacquer
without lacquer
with lacquer
Hex A
Hex B
Hex B
Hex C
Hex D
Table 3-2 Some results regarding optical properties of different shapes of CsI crystals before and after applying optical coating. The relative error is considered to be 2%, where approximately half is statistical and half systematic in origin. The uniformity is defined by the relative change of the light output over the horizontal axes (z-axes) of the crystal. Crystal Tomography

Two set-ups for a CsI crystal tomography have been established, one using cosmic muons and one operating with a 137CsI source. A cross check with several crystals measured in both apparatus could demonstrate the equality of results. Variations in the optical non-uniformity of similarly shaped crystals after applying the surface treatment can be explained with different absorption length.

Figure 3-9 Cut through the Crystal Tomography Apparatus. The path of the cosmic muons is indicated by the dashed line.

The cosmic ray tomography apparatus consisted of three drift chambers, two above and one below the crystals. For the trigger two plastic scintillators were positioned on the floor, separated from the lower drift chamber by 5 cm of lead bricks, to allow the selection of minimum ionizing cosmic particles. The drift chambers have two orthogonal x-y-planes surrounded by three ground plates. The chambers allow cuts on cosmic muons that penetrated the crystals almost vertically (>85 °). Hence, a correlation between the light output per unit pathlength and the position can be set up, which results in a mapping of the position dependence of the crystal's light output. A typical result can be seen in Figure 3-10.

Figure 3-10 Two dimensional tomography pictures of a crystal's light output (#S122). The surface of the crystals was subdivided into rectangles of 2 x 1 cm2 The y-axis is showing the relative light output of each segment. CsI Crystal Uniformity Tests with a 137Cs Source

Due to difficulties with the wire chambers of the tomography apparatus and the forthcoming disassembly an alternative method had to be found. Encouraged by the work of other groups (e.g. [Bro95]) a study using a 137Cs source was carried out. It was found that this method is consistent with our 3D tomography and well suited for uniformity tests.

A 137Cs source was mounted on a 5cm x 10cm x 20cm lead brick collimator with a 6 mm hole. A frame of 15 mm plywood was built to accommodate a CsI crystal with its PMT and to move the lead collimator on top of the crystal. Two PENT and one HEX C crystal were covered with a light tight cardboard enclosure of 2 mm thickness. The PMT and the voltage divider were the same as for the final set-up. While one output of the base was terminated, the other output was fed into an Ortec 454 timing amplifier with a gain of 30 and time constants of 50 ns for both integration and differentiation. The same signal was discriminated at 60 mV to produce a trigger. The signal was digitized with a peak sensing Ortec AD811 ADC and histogrammed. The source produced triggers at roughly 3kHz. Several background runs were taken without the source but with the lead brick and subtracted from the spectra that were obtained with source. It was found that the background spectra were not sensitive to the exact position of the lead brick. ADC pedestal runs were taken with a clock trigger and used to correct the spectra. During the measurements for one crystal, the temperature variation was less than 0.3 Kelvin.

After background subtraction, the spectra were fitted with a Gaussian function. In order to take account of the Compton edge of the 137Cs spectrum, an additional exponential background term was fitted. The centre and FWHM of a Gaussian distribution fitted to each spectrum was evaluated. The obtained centre then was corrected by subtracting the measured ADC pedestal. The statistical error at about 90000 counts was less than 0.3% for each source position. For each crystal, five points along the central axis were taken plus some points off-axis.

Figure 3-11 The pictures show the peak centres along the centre axis for one example CsI crystal (S005). The result of the 137Cs measurement (left part) is compared with the corresponding data from the tomography (right part).

. Figure 3-11 shows the equivalence between the peak position of a 662 keV photon (left side) and the tomography result using cosmic muons. The FWHM of the source measurement increases near the PMT where the light output is highly non-uniform due to the optical geometry. As a conclusion, the uniformity results obtained with a 137Cs source are clearly correlated to the tomography data. Not only the general trend was reproduced, but also the quantitative uniformity obtained for the central axis was measured reliably. Since the photon energy of the 137Cs source is sufficient to penetrate on average several centimetres of CsI, not just the surface but the interior of the crystal was probed. As it was impossible to track individual photons, the edge regions of the CsI could not be probed.

Since it was found that this faster and simpler method is consistent with our 3D tomography and well suited for uniformity tests an automated measuring apparatus was designed. It was called RAdioactive Source Tomography Apparatus, abbreviated as RASTA. It relies on a PC to control a stepping motor, collect information for each position and analyze the data.

Figure 3-12 Layout of the RASTA apparatus for the automated light yield measurements using a 137CsI source.

The 137Cs-source is embedded in a Pb-collimator with an opening of 6 mm diameter. It has a thickness of 5 cm; thus the probability to penetrate the lead is <1% for the 0.66 MeV photons. The collimator, which is mounted on a plate, can be moved by an ISEL stepping motor with a precision of ~12.5 microns (the crystal itself is can be placed with ~0.3 mm precision). An RS232 interface is used to control the stepping motor by PC.

[13] Front face means the side of the crystal pointing towards the target in the final assembly. This side is opposite to the side which is read out by PMT (later called rear face).

[14] PolyTetraFlourEthylene

[15] If the rays meet the surface at an angle, then the illuminance is proportional to the cosine of this angle with the normal.

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