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6.1 Theory

Ever since the days Yukawa described the nuclear forces with p exchange, in analogy to the photon exchange in EM interaction, pion studies have received major attention in nuclear physics. Early p N scattering experiments in the 1950s provided information about the unknown and poorly understood particle. For example Panofsky et al. [Pan50] obtained the p --mass[26] as a result of their p H scattering experiment. Furthermore they showed that only two reactions take place for a negative pion that comes to rest in hydrogen. The third allowed reaction is suppressed by the more favoured reactions with only two particles in the final state.

Panofsky et al. stopped low energy p - in a high-pressure liquid hydrogen target and detected the resulting photons in a Geiger counter array. Knowing the pions to be bosons and considering conservation laws, the p -p system can result in either n g (radiative capture) or n p 0 - followed by p 0-> g g - (single charge exchange reaction). Since the stopped pions are temporarily bound in a hydrogen electron shell, they form pionic hydrogen. The original excited state loses energy through the emission of Auger electrons until the pion reaches the K-shell and finally react with the proton. The relative strength of both reactions thus is proportional to the lifetime of the 1s state of pionic hydrogen [Ras76]. The Panofsky ratio then is defined as

Charge independence and time-reversal symmetry are required to allow a comparison of p N-scattering and pion photoproduction ( ) data. Anderson and Fermi [And52] gave a theoretical calculation of the cross sections but could not match Panofsky's result (P=0.94±0.20) [Pan50] with Steinberger's [Bis50] value for the pion photoproduction cross section s g . They suggested a different value for P, therefore, and acknowledged the difficulties in the extrapolation of the s g value to the threshold of vanishing kinetic energy.

With better statistics and improved detector resolution later experiments established the value 1.546(±0.009) [Spu77] for P, which is in remarkable agreement with theoretical predictions [Ras76]. Besides the p N scattering length, P also gives information about the -quark contribution of the proton, the so-called [Sigma]-term [Gas91]. The field of pion photoproduction is still highly active, since basic symmetries such as time reversal invariance, parity conservation and isospin invariance of the strong interaction can be tested [Mat97, Sig96].

[26] Their result was 140.6±1.3 MeV.

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