Panofsky et al. stopped low energy p - in a high-pressure liquid hydrogen target and detected the resulting photons in a Geiger counter array. Knowing the pions to be bosons and considering conservation laws, the p -p system can result in either n g (radiative capture) or n p 0 - followed by p 0-> g g - (single charge exchange reaction). Since the stopped pions are temporarily bound in a hydrogen electron shell, they form pionic hydrogen. The original excited state loses energy through the emission of Auger electrons until the pion reaches the K-shell and finally react with the proton. The relative strength of both reactions thus is proportional to the lifetime of the 1s state of pionic hydrogen [Ras76]. The Panofsky ratio then is defined as
With better statistics and improved detector resolution later experiments established the value 1.546(±0.009) [Spu77] for P, which is in remarkable agreement with theoretical predictions [Ras76]. Besides the p N scattering length, P also gives information about the -quark contribution of the proton, the so-called [Sigma]-term [Gas91]. The field of pion photoproduction is still highly active, since basic symmetries such as time reversal invariance, parity conservation and isospin invariance of the strong interaction can be tested [Mat97, Sig96].