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6.1.1 Pion Nucleon Scattering

For the derivation of the relation between b1 and P it is useful to describe SCX and radiative caption (RC) separately and make use of partial wave decomposition.

The pion-nucleon system represents a linear combination of isospin T=3/2 and T=1/2 isospin states, since nucleons form an isospin 1/2 doublet and pions an isospin 1 triplet, which are broken by electric charge. The third isospin component Tz is attributed to the discussed particles as follows:






In combination they form either one of four T3/2 or two T1/2 states, where only the Tz = ±3/2 orientation directly can be attributed to

, respectively.
Looking at the two states of interest one finds


where the coefficients are the familiar Clebsch Gordan coefficients following the Condon-Shortley sign convention (see [Mat97] for example). SCX s-wave Scattering

The SCX process can be well defined by elastic scattering at p N- threshold, where a pion plane wave eikz is scattered by a solid body with the scattering amplitude f( q ) and transforms into the deflected wave eikr/r

where q represents the scattering angle. Or in a different form (following [Che57]), when the pion wavefunction is denoted as p (q):

F(q',q) = ,
where [florin] contains the phase shift d via
Here q and q' represent the pion momenta before and after scattering.

As is well known the differential cross section is given by d s /d W =F(q',q)2. It is useful to perform a partial wave decomposition. Then F becomes

, where
are the angular momentum J=l±½ projection operators for a given orbital momentum l and Plcos( q ) Legendre polynoms.

Since the pion is captured at rest we can neglect all orbital momenta other than l=0 (s-waves). So

becomes 1 and 0;

s is the pion spin position. In addition one should take the isospin decomposition into account and make use of the isospin projection operators

where t represents the nucleon isospin and [tau] the pion isospin.

Thus, projects the total isospin T=1/2 and T=3/2 states out of the p N system. For example:

The scattering amplitude now simplifies to
, since .
Finally, one can calculate the cross section s for p N scattering.

In the case of - elastic scattering one obtains

and analogous for SCX

having denoted the scattering lengths a1 for T=1/2 and a3 for T=3/2. Often is used, as well. Pion Photoproduction

Usually RC is characterized by its time reversed process: photoproduction of pions ( g N -> p N). This process can be described successfully by a partial wave decomposition of the photon wave function. In Dirac notation the matrix element Tfi , which represents the transition operator for the final (pion-nucleon) and the initial (photon-nucleon) state, can be written as
where F consists of a linear combination of the photon multipole amplitudes and Q contains kinematic and spin information. At threshold[27] only

contributes [Che57]. With l representing orbital angular momentum are the magnetic and electric transition amplitudes, respectively. Then the differential cross section becomes

Due to the p3 momentum dependence of the p-wave amplitudes (p5 for E2-, respectively) only the s-wave term is significant in our case, since the is captured at rest. This leads to


Then , the threshold amplitude of pion photoproduction, is defined via


Hence, the electric dipole amplitude with l p =0 and total spin j=1/2 fully describes the pion photoproduction cross section (and therefore the radiative capture, as well). The ratio of the fundamental processes for a stopping in a H-nucleus then consistently is given through s-wave pion scattering at threshold and calculates to


Hence, knowing , the p N scattering length b1 can be obtained directly by measuring the Panofsky ratio.


and P=1.546 [Spu77], the actual value is -0.253/m p . has been used with the correction for the binding energy of pionic hydrogen B1s=0.00324 MeV.

[27] Threshold here means vanishing kinetic energy, namely

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