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3.1 Properties of CsI

Asking for a fast and dense scintillating material with relatively high light yield, pure CsI was the only choice. It shows two main emission components. One in the near UV region at 310 nm and one at 460nm (the properties of CsI are summarized in Table 3-1). In comparison to BaF2, CsI provides a better suited wavelength for PMT readout and a shorter radiation length. BGO is not suitable because of its long decay time of ~240 ns. Such a slow calorimeter response would lead to multiple coincidences and reduced energy resolution due to pile up, since i) the pion decay time is faster by an order of magnitude and ii) the time structure of the accelerator is 19.75 ns.

4.51 g /cm3
Radiation length X0
1.85 cm
Molière radius RM
3.8 cm
Atomic Number Z
55, 53
Peak wavelength
310 nm / 460 nm
Refractive Index (@ 310 nm)
Decay time (fast/slow)
~15 ns / ~ 1 µs
Lightyield (fast component)
~ 100 Photoel./MeV
Temperature Coefficient
Table 3-1 Properties of (pure) CsI; compare with Phys. Rev. D50 (1994) 1261 and Figure 3-5.

The drawbacks of CsI are a high temperature gradient of -1.5%/K and a slight hygroscopicity. Both properties require a temperature and climate controlled surrounding for the calorimeter. This is necessary, anyhow, to provide stable working conditions for the voltage dividers of the photomultiplier tubes.

A short radiation length provides compactness due to a high stopping power for both positrons and photons. This especially is valid for higher energies (>10 MeV), when the positron, or electron respectively, loses energy by bremsstrahlung rather than by ionization which initiates electromagnetic showers[12]. Photons and positrons (or electrons, respectively) passing matter are losing energy mostly due to electromagnetic processes. Photons may undergo Compton scattering, produce photoelectrons or create electron-positron pairs depending on the energy. Positrons can ionize, emit bremsstrahlung or annihilate with an electron. The cross section for these individual processes depends on the particle energy, as well as the density and the atomic number of the material. Figure 3-3 shows the energy dependence of processes responsible for the energy loss of photons.

Figure 3-3 Linear Attenuation Coefficient of CsI as a function of photon energy. At larger energies (beyond the scale of this figure), where the pair production process is dominating, the energy loss of photons and electrons is similar. For energies much higher than the pair energy (1.022 MeV), pair production is the dominant process. At those energies the daughter particles will again be able to undergo the above mentioned electromagnetic processes. In this way an electromagnetic shower emerges. Such a shower can be characterized using the position of the shower maximum and the average shower width. In average a shower appears to be a cone; but can also have extreme distributions, i.e. when a daughter particle traverses several crystals without interactions and consequently deposit energy in a remote crystal. Some examples of these untypical distributions are shown in Figure 3-4.

Due to multiple scattering of shower particles there is also a notable lateral energy deposition. This distribution scales well with the Molière radius. In order to avoid intercalibration effects due to the summing over several crystals and to keep the energy loss low, a small Molière radius is desired.

Figure 3-4 Untypical shower distributions of 50 MeV photons impinging the CsI calorimeter

[12] see section 7.4 for a more detailed discussion

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